With COVID-19, the world is facing a pandemic that not only threatens our lives, but also leaves our economies in shambles. For many, these are difficult times. The challenges are different for citizens from the Global South and the Global North, but all over the world we are affected by restrictions in movement, loss of income and uncertainty about the future. For some, combining working from home while trying to home school children or dealing with moody teenagers can cause a lot of stress. For others, being isolated from family and loved ones can lead to feelings of loneliness or boredom. At the same time, some people have appreciated spending more time with the family or having time for oneself.
The purpose of this survey is to collect data on how people and families are coping with the COVID-19 crisis and to give people personalised feedback and advice on how they can deal with the situation. We will ask you a number of questions on how COVID-19 impacts on your daily life, your overall wellbeing, your social situation, your relationship (if you are in a relationship), parenting issues (if you have children), your alcohol use and your level of worry. Your answers will contribute to research that aims to find out how we are all coping with the COVID-19 crisis. If you complete all sections, the interview will take about 25 minutes, but you are free to skip any sections that are less important to you. At the end of the survey, we will share with you how your scores compare to other people in your country and we will give personalized feedback and advice that might help you to improve your situation.
Individuals are eligible to participate in this study if they are adult aged 18 years and above. There is no known risk associated with participating in this study, except perhaps some minimal discomfort that may be felt as you recall your experience. You will receive personalised feedback and advice on how you and your family are coping with the COVID-19 crisis. You will also contribute to building an international data set that will give the researchers insight into how people and families are coping. This can inform decision-makers in designing adequate services that respond to real needs felt by people. There is no compensation associated with participating in this study. Participation in this study is voluntary. You have the right to refuse to participate and to skip any question you do not wish to answer. This decision will not affect you in any way. You have the right to refuse to participate, refuse to answer any questions or withdraw from the study at any time. All data collected for the purpose of this study will remain confidential and accessible only to the research team. No identifying information will be linked to your completed questionnaire, instead, a code will be used during analysis that makes your data anonymous. All information will be stored in a password protected computer. If the data collected from this study are needed by either the current or a future researcher to answer a new research question, data will be de-identified prior to using them, and no researcher will have access to information that could identify you.
The questionnaire and feedback messages are developed for adults all over the world. They are verified and approved by a local team of experts in Bangladesh, Botswana, Brasil, DR Congo, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Ethical clearance (also called IRB clearance) has been obtained in Brasil, DR Congo, Indonesia, Rwanda and Uganda. If your country is not in these lists, we still very much welcome you to complete the questionnaire, but please be informed that the questionnaire and feedback messages have not yet been verified or approved by a researcher from your country, nor has ethical clearance been obtained in your country.
Choose the form:
Kinyarwanda: https://www.icpcovid.com/rw/form/pfcc
English: https://www.icpcovid.com/en/form/pfcc
Francais: https://www.icpcovid.com/fr/form/pfcc